ALPHA is a meal (free) ALPHA is a video ALPHA is a conversation with friends and future friends ALPHA is open to everyone ALPHA is a place to explore the Christian faith in a nonjudgmental zone.
ALPHA in a Catholic Context ******Check back for dates starting in Sept. ***** 6:30 PM Contact Jackie Prosise for location information
What is the difference with this Alpha?
It is ALPHA in a Catholic setting with Catholics hosting and Catholics participating. This particular Alpha is for members of our parish only. The first session will be Tuesday, September 18. Dinner starts at 6:30 p.m. with time to meet new people. A video is shown and followed up with conversation. The evening will conclude by 8 p.m. You can come to the first meeting and decide for yourself whether to attend future meetings.
In order that we might be able to estimate the food for the evening, please send an e-mail to [email protected] with the number of people coming or text to 330-268-3227. This does not obligate you in anyway. Fr. Kevin and those on the ALPHA team are looking forward to seeing you.