Welcome to Our Parish!
Parish Vision: "Our Parish Vision is to Become an Evangelizing People, Joyfully Proclaiming the Good News of Jesus Christ to our Families, our Parish and our Community."
Mass Times
5:00pm Saturday
8:30am and 11:00am Sunday
5:00pm Saturday
8:30am and 11:00am Sunday
Confessions are heard every Saturday from 4pm-4:45pm
Click for events coming to our parish ->->->->->
Parish Staff
Can't make it to mass or can't remember the envelope on Sundays...don't worry! We have an online giving option! Click the button above to for online giving!
Fr. Benson Okpara
Fr. Robert England
FREE to all SPJ Parishioners
Registering for FORMED is easier than ever:
- Go to formed.org/signup
- Select your parish by entering name, city and/or zip code
- Enter your name and email address
- Check that email account for a link to begin using FORMED.
Did you know: SS Philip and James has Liturgy of the word for children during the 11:00am Mass? Open to ages Pre-K thru 4th grade. Children are taken to another room in the church where they hear the readings and have discussion appropriate for their level.
Encountering God In Daily Life
Personal Stories about Encounters with God
If you have had an experience of God, we want to hear about it! Please contact the rectory so we can add it to the bulletin and the website!
God Bless!
To read more Encounters with God click below
God Bless!
To read more Encounters with God click below
Prayer for Our Parish
(As Composed by Parish Council)
Heavenly Father, You have called each of us to be a member of SS. Philip & James Parish. Here we unite in worship, and are sent forth to share Your love and make disciples. Lord, we long for our parish to be so on fire that we draw people to You. Empower us with Your Holy Spirit as we strive to work together in this most important mission. Please make our parish amazing, through Your infinite power and grace.
(As Composed by Parish Council)
Heavenly Father, You have called each of us to be a member of SS. Philip & James Parish. Here we unite in worship, and are sent forth to share Your love and make disciples. Lord, we long for our parish to be so on fire that we draw people to You. Empower us with Your Holy Spirit as we strive to work together in this most important mission. Please make our parish amazing, through Your infinite power and grace.